As the perfectly balanced symbol of Yin and Yang demonstrates, Light emerges from a seed of darkness, and Darkness is held in the heart of the light.  At this time, the day and night of the Fall Equinox, both energies are held in cosmic balance for planet Earth.

Unable to sleep since 3 AM, the magical hour when the earth’s magnetic field resets itself and washes the world in a wave of natural frequency, I sit and ponder the power of this moment in time.  The final Equinox of the Mayan Calendar.  What could this mean, for me personally, and for the world at large??

Balance, of course, is key.  What is out of balance can be brought into balance.   The Ancients knew this, or they would not have bothered to build the great Equinoctal Temples of Gaia, from Macchu Picchu to Chichen Itza, the Great Pyramids of Giza to the Stone Circles of the British Isles.  What is out of balance can be brought into balance,   and thus balance is maintained.

For those fixated on maintaining the rule of Darkness, the opposite holds true.  Hence the execution of Troy Davis, last night in the State of Georgia at 11:08 PM.  Why 11:08 PM??  Because the numbers  ‘11’ ,  ‘8’  and  ‘108’ are all numbers of high spiritual significance.

‘11’  –   a number of duality  –  but without its twin,  ‘11:11’   –   not a balanced gateway leading out of duality, but rather, maintaining the power of a single aspect of duality.

‘8’  –   ‘infinity’ and ‘gateway’

‘108’  –  the number of stones in a Hindu mala, used in the repetition of the Holy Names of God /Goddess,  over and over again.

‘1008’  –  the number of the Goddess of 1008 names.

“What is the significance of the 1008 names or 108 names of any
God/Goddess ?”

Response from Swamiji :-

“Every vibration in existence is a name of God. And they are all at
least ever so slightly or some what different.

Even still, the rishis cognized specific names, indicating special
attributes that they wanted to describe as intrinsic to that form of
divinity. All these thousand names have found homes in the Puranas,
like Shiva Purana, Padma Purana, Vishnu Purana, Devi Bhagavatam,

So we study and recite the names, qualities, attributes, feelings
what are particular to each form of deity so that we can inculcate
them into our being.”

 ‘11:08 PM’

Why was Troy Davis executed at 11:08 PM   –  on the eve of the last Equinox of the Mayan Calendar??    The ‘time’ of  ‘11:08 PM’  carries the energetic signature of the 1008 Names of God / Goddess.   Do you think the TRUE  Infinite God / Goddess of 1008 names demands human sacrifice?   Or is it possible that there is another demented agenda clearly visible here  –   that of a bunch of deluded fools hell-bent on maintaining ego based structures of personal power by polluting the Gaia’s Sacred Grid Lines, Her personal meridians of cosmic star power in a vain attempt to block Her Ascension??  Why the State of Georgia, a location on the planet of extreme feminine energy??

Troy Davis maintained his innocence to the end of his earthly life.  There was no physical evidence linking him to the crime for which he was executed.  He was at peace within himself.  And you can rest assured that his Soul, his Pure Being, was escorted by the Highest Angels right through the Gates of Ascension.

Equinox.  Equal Light…  Equal Dark…

May we rest in the still point within the Infinite Wisdom of Infinite Being, which transcends Darkness and Light, the Center Point of Holy Source from which all Creation emerges  –  and which is our True Home.  Troy Davis is already there  –  welcomed in High Holy Celebration of Christed Beings, Christed Angels and Christed Archangels  and the Hosts of Ascended Saints awaiting his Arrival.




World recognized Divine Mother & Living Female AVATAR Mata Amritanandamayi, or ‘AMMA’, as she is more popularly known,  said recently on her Summer 2011 North America Tour that the world is about to do a ‘Tandava’ Dance  –  commonly depicted in Hindu sculpture as Dancing Shiva’s dance of Creation, Destruction, and Dissolution. Amma is no stranger to this dance; her Kerala-based ashram survived the India Tsunami. Incidentally, Amma was just in Washington D.C.  at the same time as the Dalai Lama, on July 6 (Dalai Lama’s birthday) and July 7, as part of her ongoing North American Tour.

Speaking of chaos, in recent days I have noticed a thread in the Community which calls us to completely shut out the Darkness  –  ‘give it no more energy.’  No doubt there is a fine line between wallowing in the muck of negative news & conspiracy theories, inadvertently lowering one’s frequency into a state of ineffective fear and helplessness.  But here’s the catch:  in order for the Individual & for Humanity to actually Ascend, the Darkness must be faced head on.  And despite the confusion and wasted energy caused by mountains of disinformation, there is one particular aspect of our Collective Shadow so far denied, which must be integrated if we are to fully Ascend.

Not all of you will be able to handle what I am about to share.  I have not spoken publicly about this, except as fiction in my novel ‘ASCENSION: The FireFlower’ – indeed it is why I wrote the book, and why it took so long to write in the first place.

But today, July 13, 2011  –  the anniversary day of my own Kalachakra Initiation direct from Source  –  while the Dalai Lama gives the Kalachakra Empowerment in D.C.  –  today under the full protection of the ‘Shield of Isis’, today I speak out:

The night of July 13, 1991, at the age of 23, two days before my 24th birthday, I was offered up as a living sacrifice to the Dark Side, by the Dark Side. Through Divine Grace, and my own unwavering faith and devotion to God, the outcome of the night did not go as planned.  Although I died, I returned, with greater Light, and forever changed.

It was not the first time I had chosen to serve the Creator, instead of the Fallen aspect of the Creation.  In Los Angeles, at the age of 18, I was told that I was ‘one of them’; ‘that I could have wealth, fame, whatever I wanted…  If I joined them.’  I declined the offer; and my life became significantly more difficult.

Please understand:  this energy, this ‘Darkness’ has no real human form – although it can embody physically, usually temporarily, if it so chooses.  But just as Ascended Masters can overshadow or merge with Devotees of the Godhead, this ‘Darkness’ can do the same with weak or ego-mad humans.  Out of great spiritual ignorance and terrible manipulation and deceit through abuse of power & fear, this ‘Darkness’ is even worshiped by some misguided humans as the Godhead.  It is not, has never been and will never be equal to Source.  Think of it as a fractured, insane splinter of the Collective Consciousness  –  a splinter that left untreated that causes terrible infection, madness, illness, and death.

Today, July 13, 2011, I just found out that July 13/14 is the date that a particular type of ritual is held in Bohemian Grove, California.  Never having been there, I cannot say for certain what goes on.   I hope to God it does not involve the ritual murder of any human being, especially children.  With great sadness, I share the following story:

A dot com millionaire in England went for a late night Summer Solstice walk at a Neolithic site near his country home.  He had just parked his car in the public parking, when a young couple came tearing down the hill screaming.  The young man was bleeding from a blow to the head.  They were being chased by a couple of men in long robes wielding baseball bats & yelling, who then proceeded to smash the windows of their car.  The young couple had stumbled upon a gathering inside an ancient burial barrow; each adult male had with him a young boy under the age of ten.  Whatever it was they were doing, they had been interrupted.  I’m not so sure it was just a bunch of “crazy dads” with their “sons”.  To make a long story short, the police did nothing.  The dot com millionaire now lives on the other side of the world.  I did not read about this story in press.

We know that children around the world are being trafficked.  We know that children around the world disappear.  It is for the sake of these children that we as Lightworkers cannot simply ‘ignore’ the Darkness.  It exists.  It is part of us, the part that we have individually and collectively disowned.  Let us together, as ‘Divine Love Warriors’  –  as Lord Maitreya once said to me – excavate and integrate ‘the splinter’ of our fractured collective consciousness, and love the Dark back into Oneness.   That is why I wrote ‘ASCENSION: The FireFlower’; it took me over 10 years, so that others can take a few days or a few weeks to really understand what it means to access Oneness.

Yesterday, July 12, 2011, the monks with the Dalai Lama did a ritual dance to clear / integrate the ‘disowned dark’ in Washington, D.C.  Today, July 13, 2011, over three days to July 15, the Dalai Lama gives the Kalachakra Empowerment in Washington, D.C.  The same date, July 13 (in 1991) when I personally underwent (& survived) the Kalachakra Initiation directly from Source.    It was after this date that I spent time at the Dalai Lama’s Kalachakra Empowerment given here in Toronto.  Instead of Tibetan Buddhist monks and nuns sitting on opposite sides of the room, the seating arrangements got turned upside down, and all the monks and nuns ended up sitting side by side.  And so the ‘Wheel of Time’ eternally turns; and Oneness is the only way out.  If you wish it, I wish you the full blessing and holy protection of the ‘Shield of Isis’:  In the Secret Name of the One, May the Eternal Shield of the Wheel of Time sanctify the earth, bless the holy ground of Gaia where you live, radiating Ultraviolet, Gold and White Light Rays of Source wherever most needed on our beloved world, to restore Divine Purity, Wisdom, Peace, Purity, Harmony and Balance.

This Friday, July 15, 2011, I will be celebrating my 44th here in Toronto with my Beloved AMMA!!!

Copyright Andrea Hansen FireFlower Communications All Rights Reserved


You know I always say, “when ritual is ‘real’, it finds you.”   This does not mean to say that planned spiritual rituals and prayer ceremonies are somehow invalid.  Not at all.  What it means is that sometimes Spirit takes hold of all our best intentions and ideas, throws them out on one ear, gives us a shake – and puts us exactly where we are meant to be.  Trusting this process has allowed me to participate many times in many many multi-faceted ‘global rituals’ occurring all over the world, with millions of participants in some cases, wholly unaware of each other and that there was indeed any spiritual / astrological significance to their ‘participation’ in a ‘given’ ritual.  Take this last weekend, for instance…

July 1, a national holiday, Canadians celebrated Canada Day, this year with Prince William and his beautiful new bride, Katherine, the Duchess of Cambridge.  All I can say is, Kate rocks the dress, the shoes, the hat…  And on Saturday, Prince Albert of Monaco also married his long-time girlfriend, Charlene Wittstock of South Africa, now Princess Charlene.  What does any of this have to do with anything??  Yesterday, Sunday, I was quite excited to read Celia Fenn’s latest ‘Starchild Global’ report…  Apparently this Friday July 1 New Moon Solar Eclipse released / initiated major cosmic global ‘Goddess’ Grid Lines flowing newly north from Antarctica, into South America and on up, and hitting South Africa first in their purest form.   Incidentally, Prince Albert and his new bride went directly to South Africa right after the big Monaco wedding.

I’m all for the Goddess, whether embodied in ‘world-stage goddesses’ like Diana, Charlene or Kate –  in their past lives they have paid their dues, please pray for them, bless them & their families.  Or plain old ‘garden goddesses’ –  ‘belly-dance goddesses’  – ‘kitchen-witch-goddesses’  –  ‘goddesses-in-progress’  – or the ‘goddess at the supermarket’!!  Forget Atlantis rising, this weekend is all about the Rise of the Goddess.  Every woman on the planet today is becoming further empowered by this Blessed new ‘Rose’ energy – as is Mother Earth herself.

But as happy as I am for Kate and Charlene, I did wonder this last weekend what I had done to deserve my long looked-forward to long-weekend gone awry…  Something to do with the monster killer vampire snake dream earlier in the week, perhaps??  In the dream my mum and I manage – without hurting it & without getting bitten  (I generally like snakes)  –  to trap it in a big basket with a bunch of spiritual videos and books  –  and put the lid on it.

Back to my lost weekend…  I participated fully by lying on my back, barely able to move, semi-delirious, drenched in kundalini sweat, feeling like my head was on fire.   It started mid-week.  On the day of the New Moon Solar Eclipse I actually woke at 4:30 AM EST, went for a very groggy drink of water completely forgetful of the ‘occasion’, then back in bed, remembered as I was deluged with feelings of great unease.  Praying, praying, praying, feeling literally like I was being stabbed through the chest.  Exhausted, I kept my last minute commitment to do spiritual readings later that morning for a small group of Indigenous Women, Mayan and Inca from Central & South America.  Then finally left to my mother’s place in the country, where I managed to make dinner, then collapsed into bed.  The energies continued to build to a crescendo on Saturday with me lying sweating north-south on the lawn at my mother’s property invoking the assistance of Pachamama and Father Sun.  Please bear in mind this is a very private garden!!  My husband worked to clear my field with an actual eagle feather he had just conveniently found on the grass nearby…  When we drove home the next day, we drove past an Eagle’s nest with a baby and mummy or daddy eagle watching over it   –   with a pair of condor-like vultures riding the thermals slightly too close for comfort.    Everywhere we went the ‘condors’ were with us.  These giant birds were sacred also to the Ancient Egyptians, for whom the Vulture was a symbol of the Divine Mother.

I knew something was up, but didn’t really quite know what until we got home and I managed to read Celia’s report, and watch the ‘Last Prophecy’ videos from the Kogi / Hopi Elders.  The Eagles and the Condors are uniting everywhere – with Roses in their beaks!! Although I have many Ancestors from the North, where Celia is now headed  –  I was ‘born’ in Hopiland, and this winter I met three Kogi Elders here in Toronto.  I gave them a sacred object with which to ‘make payment’ to Mother Earth  –  in reparation for all that has been taken from them.  Whether in the form of physical ‘crystal’ –  or blood, sweat and tears  –  we all need to ‘make payment’ to Mother Earth, in honor of the Goddess Rising.  And what does any of this have to do with Stonehenge??  This last Solstice & last New Moon Solar Eclipse have everything to do with Stonehenge.

My first visit to Stonehenge at age 20 I took a bus from London, then a taxi all the way from the closest village (far!) arriving at sunset in winter, just to look at it from a distance.  The second time,  I visited with my mother and my brother, who pretended not to know me as I proceeded to ignore the prominent signage designed to terrify one into staying on the curved walk-way which deliberately veered off to one side.  The Henge was meant to be walked around – so I did, completing the circle, only to meet two security guards rushing up the ramp stopping abruptly mid-way between me and the Visitor Centre with very confused looks on their faces.  They then turned ’round on their heels and returned whence they had come.  My mother and brother did not speak to me till we got back to the car.

Together we transmute the poison of the cobra’s bite, & turn the poison to wisdom.  This is how the Goddess Rises…  This is how the Goddess is Set Free…   Crowned with Roses On Her Head & on Her Heart,  May the Goddess Rise With You & Within You.

Very special thanks to Celia Fenn and Starchild Global.  If you have not yet read her report on Mayan Majix or elsewhere, below is the link  –  please note the dramatic image of the recent snake crop circle as well.

P.S.  Just learned that on Friday July 1, 2011 New Moon Solar Eclipse Goddess Rising Day, Maria Shriver filed for divorce from Arnie ‘The Terminator’  Shwarzenegger – to the tune of $200 million dollars.


About a week ago I was informed that a Boston Hedge Fund intends to excavate what is slated to become possibly the 2nd largest open pit mine in North America.  Problem is, the proposed site is only about an hour from where I live, right here in the province of Ontario, Canada  –  in an environmentally sensitive area named ‘Hills of the Headwaters’, right on the edge of the Niagara Escarpment, an officially declared UNESCO Biosphere Reserve. Said Hedge Fund has acquired huge tracts of land, which they bought from potato farmers who had no idea when they sold that the trees and houses of their well established farmsteads would be completely destroyed and razed to the ground.

From what I understand, the plan is to dig  beneath the water table, to a depth that is more than the height of Niagara Falls.   The water table:  a precious aquifer that feeds the headwaters of five rivers, which in turn support life for entire ecosystems as well as provide 1/4 of the daily drinking water for the people of Southern Ontario.  Not only that, the unique soil of the region is so fertile it produces up to 25 lbs of potatoes for each person living in the Toronto area, a major metropolitan center.  A large portion of these fertile fields  –  over 7000 acres  –  will be destroyed in the excavation process.  Of course, the Hedge Fund has a local address that is a UPS Store, and the ‘suite’ it occupies is a numbered mail box.    The ‘gold’ in ‘them thar hills’ is limestone; and once the headwaters of the rivers re-direct themselves, 600 million litres of pure water per day may end up gushing into the pit.

The people ARE protesting.

At the town meeting I attended on Saturday, someone yelled out:

“The money is from South America!!”

Indeed. ‘Who’ exactly, in South America, inquiring minds would like to know??  And why come all the way here for limestone, when there are all kinds of mineral deposits all over South America, just waiting to be exploited??  Is it about the water, owning it, controlling it for sale and export?  Or is there something else going on here??  I may be completely off base – but – the proposed site for the 2nd largest open pit mine in North America is at the highest point of the Southern Ontario landscape – known also as ‘the roof of Ontario’.   I’m not a geologist, but it is  limestone pretty much all the way through, which acts as a filter for rain and meltwater all the way down to the Great Lakes.

This is where things get interesting.

Based on the incredible work of Dr. Carmen Boulter in Egypt, and her studies of ‘forgotten ancient technology’  –  underground waters and the flowing Nile ‘charged’ the ‘stone mountain’ of the Great Pyramid with massive free energy telluric currents powered by the moving water itself.  According to Boulter, the Great Pyramid was a sophisticated generator that not only provided light – but well being, ‘positive life-force’ and healing energy throughout the ‘Band of Food and Peace’ of the Nile temple complex which was far more extensive than just the Giza Plateau.

I believe the ‘Hills of the Headwaters’ is a North American equivalent of  the Ancient Egyptian ‘Band of Peace’, a fertile plateau atop a major aquifer that is a naturally occuring  ‘mountain generator’ of healing life energy produced as water flows through the massive deposits of limestone and down towards the lakes, thus charging major ley lines that run across Canada and the United States. The Native Elders have always known this region to be a special place.  It is where ideas of  unity, confederation and co-operation have been rooted for centuries.  Southern Ontario is one of the most stable, peaceful, abundant and agriculturally self-sustaining places on Earth.   It is also a place where every language group, nationality,  religion and race in the world is now represented, and where most of the population lives together in mutual appreciation and respect.

The Chiefs of Ontario have spoken, via their chosen messenger ( at another meeting I attended earlier in the week hosted by & ) that they will do everything in their power to protect the ‘Hills of the Headwaters’ here in Ontario. Please pray for the protection of these pure waters, these pristine natural energies which bless and feed all of us here in North America, that they remain forever undisturbed.  Mother Earth needs your prayers   –   please hold this sacred watershed in your hearts.  Thank-you.

Please note, the above links are correct.  If for some reason they do not work, please cut and paste.   For more information on the Ancient Egyptian ‘Band of Food and Peace’ please watch ‘The Pyramid Code  ‘  –