2012 Gateway to Your Future ‘MAYAN CRYSTAL SKULLS’ PRE-QUEL

Wow.  What a weekend.  My husband and I showed up a little late for the ‘2012: Gateway to Your Future’ Conference held at the University of Toronto starting on Saturday morning, but being on ‘Divine Time’ it turned out we were right ‘on’ time.  Nikki Hayes, one of the power-house organizers of this incredible event, warmly welcomed us & personally escorted us to reserved seating in the second row, center aisle, right at the front.  OK, something’s up, I remember thinking…  Just a few days earlier I had not even known about this conference  –  then free tickets seemingly manifested ‘out of nowhere’ …

When Guatemalan Quiche Mayan Elder Bartolo Alvarez & his entourage then took the stage, I knew serious magic was afoot…

Directly across from him and the multi-directional altar, once the ceremony started I pretty much lost awareness of everything other than the sacred energies being honored and called in.  And I knew, at the deepest core of my Being, that it was a humongous miracle that all present had made it ‘on time.’ So many insurmountable obstacles had been put in our collective path  –  but had been overcome to bring us all together.  Tears running down my face, I felt profound gratitude.   As Patti Cota-Robles always  says ‘a major facet of the Divine Plan was about to unfold’:

A Mayan devotee holding space in each corner of the four directions, when it came time to burn the copal incense Mr. Alvarez had brought all the way from a special ceremony in Tikal, building security at Convocation Hall would not allow it. ( When I was at student at U. of T. we had ushers – not security guards! ) Invited to burn the sacred incense outdoors outside Convocation Hall, Mr. Alvarez declined the offer, saying that it could only be burned at the Altar – which was on the stage.

Afterwards, I spoke with Bartolo, and he said he had something to give me.  Imagine my surprise  ( and especially that of his young male apprentice )  when he gave me the entire medicine pouch he had brought for the ‘Convocation Hall 2012 – Gateway to Your Future’ opening prayer ritual, replete with tinfoil wrapped charcoal briquets, sage from other prayer ceremonies – and a rather large ball of absolutely fragrant super charged super blessed Mayan copal incense he had brought all the way from the ceremonial center in Tikal.  Deeply moved, I accepted Bartolo’s gift.  I knew it was not ‘for me’  –  but ‘for Gaia & for us all’…

“When Ritual Is Real, It Finds You” –    ‘ASCENSION: The FireFlower

Clearly, there was a reason I had felt compelled to create a sacred Medicine Wheel the previous evening  –  with every super charged, super blessed ceremonial rock in my safe-keeping.

Joined by a dear friend and Kogi Shamaness later that same day, we offered prayers and the copal, fully completing the activation of this ‘Ascension Gateway’ Medicine Wheel.   Designed to further anchor the Highest High Ascension Energies available to us at this time, this Blessing is freely available to All.

So much happened this weekend, I could write a book about it, for it was not also without great loss  –  after caring for her all night my very elderly, very very precious ‘Little Boo’ cat companion of 15 years fell asleep next to my heart and then transitioned peacefully to the other side  –  and the following night, right after the Wisdom Forum closing ceremony, we had to make an emergency two and a half hour drive and overnight vigil to care for my mum  –  my absolute greatest teacher in this Life.  Please pray for her,  she also is preparing to transition to the Higher Realms.  Double shock.   After all, it is the ‘end of the world.’  But there is so much Holy Love from the Invisible Realms, from the Ancestors, Guides and Angels, so much Divine Grace that somehow I am being supported through unthinkable loss that would be enough to sink me under normal circumstances.  But these are days are not ‘normal’  –  we are in extraordinary times.

 “For the Maya, Life and Death are One,” said John Major Jenkins.

 So many incredible people.  So many deep, true connections.  So much ‘deep truth’, ‘primordial wisdom…’  I got to meet John Major Jenkins; Colin Andrews; and “The future creates the present” Master Ti Caine’;   each one deserving of their own Chapter.

Within the crucible of our collective global heart, we even joined in The Heart Math  Global Oneness Meditation with Howard Martin and Gregg Braden.   And as Gregg Braden said “The Light was definitely in Toronto this weekend.”  And I haven’t even gotten to the Closing Ceremony yet;  after my Little Boo’s passing (if it had been Egypt, she would have had a State Funeral)  I almost didn’t make it:

Returned to the Altar on the stage at Convocation Hall, Guatemalan Quiche Mayan Elder Bartolo Alvarez and the Aztec Ceremonial Drummer and Dancers ROCKED the House  –  raising the energy to a level never before seen at that location  –  at least not in this particular World Age  –  raising high a clay dish from which smoked the incense of holy copal from Tikal!!!

At that point everyone who wished was invited to join in a massive Maya – Aztec hand to hand ‘snake dance’ that did the conga all the way around and through the building.  Needless to say, the security gourds – I mean guards – were appalled  –  but we invited them to join in too.  At the end of the sacred dance, I in turn gave Guatemalan Quiche Mayan Elder Bartolo Alvarez a sacred medicine pouch  –  we hugged with JOY  –  and the ‘circle’ was closed.  The vibe was SO high…

And as if to confirm that at all is well, all is shifting in the right direction,  the following evening returning from mum’s, totally exhausted on the evening of Monday October 24, 2011 on a stretch of road with a view over Toronto not unlike that of Mulholland Drive over Los Angeles  –  the biggest glittering disc-shaped star-ship we’ve ever had the privilege of  seeing ( that we know of! )  –  up close & personal hovering Hollywoodesque on a slight angle just beyond the edge of the mountain  –  before receding slowly towards the Toronto-Mississauga Pyramid Complex  (more about that another day!)  –  and beyond to the Sacred Holy Waters of Niagara Falls.

I can’t wait to see what tomorrow brings.

Let us Join in heart-felt prayer with the Mayan Elders and the 13 Crystal Skulls in N.Y. City tomorrow in preparation of the Historic End of the Mayan Calendar  –  and beyond thru Ceremony with Drunvalo in the Four Corners and onward to the 11:11:11 in Los Angeles.   DREAM BIG  —  The Future REALLY DOES Create the Present!!!






Nine days to the end of the 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar! Indeed, with time acceleration it does feel like an ever-growing to do list gets ever longer, with less and less time to do it all; and yet somehow, we are still able to function and get what needs to be done, done. I have found the only way to manage is to stay in the Now, fully focused on whatever is immediately at hand. Otherwise, overwhelm strikes – and overwhelm does not lend itself well to right or efficient action.

Because believe me, things have – and ARE – Shifting!!! The October 11 / 2011 Full Moon a group of us observed an amazing bright blue ‘half-moon’ glow over the top of the full moon as it rose in a cloudless sky. We watched until our moon was almost overhead, but there was no change in the shape or color of the ‘blue glow’ radiating across its crown.  ( Although we did have a glittering star-ship hang out at with us in the opposite quadrant of the night sky! ) Still, the mysterious ‘blue glow’ did not shift or change in appearance over the next few nights that I checked. Then, a few days later I was shocked to discover that the strange ‘blue glow’ was the exact same shade of glowing blue as that emanated by the Moon’s  so-called ‘electric blue gem’ of the Aristarchos Crater   –   ‘fusion reactor’, anyone??   So telling that this particular ‘crater’  is usually ‘whited out’ in most space agency images.


I don’t know where ‘Elenin’ or the star-ships following it went; or where ‘Nibiru’ is now, for that matter – but this much I do know: NO NEWS IS GOOD NEWS!!!


It appears that ‘someone’ HAS arrived – if recent reports of over 80 underground bases around the world being cleared of negative E.T.s are indeed true! I felt the ‘earthquake’ from the recent Virginia explosion, all the way up here in Canada. I LOVE the idea of “ ‘blankety-blank’ Hippies From Outerspace ” having arrived to clean house (without harm)  – as one ‘old general’ from the underground so succinctly put it, according to David Wilcock’s insider report.

All I can say is – my body is no longer ‘under siege’ in the way it has been for the last five plus years – with needle marks and strange geometric bruises and worse being experienced with alarming regularity. That all started to shift late last December 2010 / January 2011 – but not without a huge fight, believe me. That said, these dates tie in with miscellaneous reports of the ‘good guys’ permanently ending the abduction agenda!!! I am so grateful to be set free from that terrible time. Not only that, the description of the amazing ‘wild man’ one of David Wilcock’s key staff members saw in a dream confirms the ‘look’ of similar beings I also have seen in the dreamtime! These guys are totally joyful & free in their personal self-expression – Galactic Tribal!!

I am rambling, I know, but so much is happening… Earlier this week, feeling not very celebratory, I asked for a sign – soon after the phone rang with a free invitation to attend an event happening here in Toronto that I did not even know was on until I was given the $150 ticket:


Gregg Braden. John Major Jenkins. Colin Andrews. Ti Caine. Jose Arguelles. Mayan Dancers! ‘Future visioning’ meditation to create / meet our highest future selves!!! Watch the 2-day Conference FREE Virtually!


I can’t think of a better way to spend the final weekend of this cycle of the Mayan Calendar. AFTER ALL, RECENT EVENTS PROVE THE FUTURE BELONGS TO THOSE WHO BELIEVE IN IT!! Please Join as we take yet another precious step through the Gateway of Ascension TOGETHER. Nine days to the end of the 9th and final wave of the Mayan Calendar. Plus ‘out-of-this-world’ ‘10th’ and ‘11th’ Waves to the 11:11:11!! (Thank-you Dr. Stankov for ‘Steve’s Numerological Proof’!!)



Today ‘out of the blue’ my guides urged me to do a search for ‘News’ from the country of Chile in South America.  By ‘accident’ I discovered the following article written by Anna Pope of the English language paper, The Santiago Times:

System can provide clean, safe water for up to 5,000 people a day.

The Plasma Water Sanitation System (PWSS), a one of a kind water purification system developed by scientists at Chile’s Center for Advanced Innovation (CAIC) and Un Techo Para Chile’s Innovation Center, was unveiled last week in ceremonies held in Santiago and  Washington, D.C.

The system’s low cost and tremendous efficiency makes it a top possible solution for providing easy access to potable water for a third of the world’s population. Costing just US$200 to produce, the PWSS can process and sanitize seven liters (1.85 gallons) of water a minute. The cost amounts to US$0.05 per liter of water and the system is powered by energy equivalent to that used by a 100 watt light bulb.  When operating continually, the PWSS filter can sanitize 10,000 liters (near 2,700 gallons) of water per day, providing two liters (half a gallon) of water per person for 5,000 people daily.  The system uses plasma technology to purify water by pushing it through a pressurized chamber, where the water is atomized and accelerated to a very high speed. It then passes through an electric chamber that converts the particles into plasma, thereby eliminating 100 percent of all bacteria and contaminants, resulting in safe and drinkable water.  …lack of access to drinkable water “is not just a problem for this shantytown, but also for the more than 33,000 families living in other shantytowns in Chile, more than 80 million in Latin America and more than two billion worldwide.”  Jennyfer Salvo, the director of communications at the Imagen de Chile Foundation, said “The UN has recognized access to potable water as a basic human right, which has made all countries and international organizations provide financial resources and technologies in order to achieve universal access and low costs for potable water. This purifier, created, developed and implemented completely in Chile, is presented today as a real, efficient and economical solution to the problem of access to potable drinking water, putting our country at the forefront of the debate over one of the principal problems in our world.”