According to the Mayan Elders of Guatemala we are transiting a narrow window called ‘The End of Time’ (through the end of June 2013) – also known as ‘the Shift of the Ages’ – which just happens to coincide with the beginning of a brand new 52 year ‘Grand Wayeb’ cycle of time, starting today, March 6, 2013.

It is spectacularly obvious that things have shifted since December 21, 2012.

The impact of cosmic & higher-dimensional energies is being clearly experienced in our physical bodies, in our inner process, as well as reflected in the outer world. As the co-creators of our individual and collective reality, we have the God-given ability – & responsibility – to choose how we wish to experience any given moment.  It is an awesome choice.  I know from my own experience how easy it is to screw up – as well as how much Grace is available to help shift me into a higher perspective when I fall off the wagon (so to speak). I draw also on the experience of all my Ancestors, from all my lives, who, God Bless them, have seen it all before.  As it says in the Bible, “there is nothing new under the sun.”

If we could magically see the epic story of the past, as well as all the roles we have chosen to play within the ‘Drama of Time’ it would be much easier to understand and accept that we really have done it all before, if not on this planet, another, if not on this timeline, in another, if not in this body, in another… and the beat goes on.  For we are the Ancestors, returned. The Dance of Creation and Destruction, the inbreath and the outbreath, until we surrender and through Grace are given a free pass off of the ever-spinning Wheel of Time, leaving the Drama of Karma behind.  Judgement is part of Karma.  Remember what Yeshua said, “as ye judge shall ye be judged.”

Divine Love is able to sit with the Darkness, sit with the Shadow, until it is ready to accept Love’s embrace, and come back Home.  Such is the Bodhisattva Vow of Compassion. We are the Rainbow Tribe.  We are the Divine Love Warriors embodying Holy Love in Divine Fullness.  We Love.   We are love, the conduit of love in the physical world. LOVE is all we are.  In truth, DIVINE LOVE is all there is.  The lights of home beckon now, a celebration of homecoming awaits us all, each and every one. We are the Rainbow Tribe.  We are the Divine Love Warriors embodying Holy Love in Divine Fullness.  May Divine Holy Love be the Foundation Stone we anchor now.   Namaste.

MUCH, MUCH LOVE, Andrea   (andromeda)

Andrea Hansen    www.thefireflower.com